General introduction to Song Hinh district, Phu Yen province

Geographical location and natural conditions of Song Hinh district, Phu Yen province Song Hinh is a mountainous district in the southwest of Phu Yen province, with geographical coordinates from 12045' to 13006' North latitude and 108040' to 1090 07' East longitude: - Bordering Tay Hoa district to the East.

- Bordering Krong Pa district to the West, Gia Lai province.

- Bordering M'Drac district to the South, Dak Lak province.

- Bordering Son Hoa district to the North.

Natural area of ​​886 km2, average population in 2011: 45,860 people. Of which: Male: 23,213 people; Female: 22,647 people; Urban area: 10,639 people, Rural: 35,221 people; Population density 52 people/km2. Including 11 communes and towns: Hai Rieng Town, Son Giang Commune, Duc Binh Dong Commune, Duc Binh Tay Commune, Ea Bia Commune, Ea Ba Commune, Ea Bar Commune, Ea Trol Commune, Song Hinh Commune, Ea Lam Commune, Ea Ly Commune with many ethnic groups living: Kinh, Ea De, Ba Na, Tay, Nung, Dao, Muong, Cham ... Total land area: 88,664 ha classified by land types: - Agricultural land: 28,026 ha.

- Forestry land: 40,109 ha - Non-agricultural land: 14,531ha.

- Unused land: 5,920 ha.

Large, diverse agricultural land types, suitable for many types of livestock, crops, especially industrial crops and large-scale livestock farming; Fresh climate, many beautiful wild landscapes, not yet strongly affected by the industrialization process. Being the homeland of many ethnic groups living together has created a diversity of customs, cultural traditions and festivals with their own cultural nuances: such as: brocade weaving, Buffalo Flower Festival, Gong Festival... This is a condition for developing eco-tourism and cultural tourism.

In the district, there are important traffic routes connecting with areas inside and outside the province, connecting the South Central Coast provinces with the Central Highlands provinces, creating favorable conditions for the exchange of goods and linking cooperation in socio-economic development through National Highway 29, DT 649. In the future, when the Eastern Truong Son route passing through the district is completed, the ability to exchange goods will be even more beneficial.

Song Hinh is a district with an important position in international defense, both a base and a rear, a solid defense area in the West, and a cultural exchange bridge between the Central Coast provinces and the strategic address of the Central Highlands. Adjacent to two important agricultural production areas, Tay Hoa district, the largest rice growing area in the province and the developed industrial crop growing area of ​​Gia Lai and Dak Lak provinces. It is the junction between the plains and the highlands, the upper and middle reaches of the river system, the large bridge through the southern province, which is important for protection, water source data, impact on reducing natural disasters, and protecting the ecological environment. It is a land with a long history of development, rich in heroic traditions in the struggle for national liberation and national defense.