Article 27. Organizational structure of the district People's Committee
1. The district People's Committee is composed of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and members.
Class I District People's Committees have no more than three Vice Chairmen; Class II and Class III districts have no more than two Vice Chairmen.
Members of the district People's Committee include members who are heads of specialized agencies of the district People's Committee, member in charge of military, member in charge of public security.
2. Specialized agencies under the district People's Committees include departments and agencies equivalent to departments.
Article 28. Duties and powers of district People's Committee
1. Formulate and submit to the District People's Council for decision the contents specified at Points a, b, c and g Clause 1, Clause 2 and Clause 3, Article 26 of this Law and organize the implementation of its resolutions. District People's Council.
2. To prescribe the organizational apparatus and specific tasks and powers of specialized agencies under the People's Committee of the district.
3. Organize the implementation of the district budget; carry out the tasks of socio-economic development, industrial development, construction, commerce, services, tourism, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, transportation network, irrigation, construction of points rural population; management and use of land, forests, mountains, rivers and lakes, water resources, mineral resources, marine resources and other natural resources; protect the environment in the district according to the provisions of law.
4. To perform the tasks of organizing and ensuring the implementation of the Constitution and laws, building the administration and administrative boundaries, education, training, science, technology, culture, information, physical training, sports, health, labor, social policy, ethnicity, religion, national defense, security, order, social safety, judicial administration, judicial assistance and other tasks , other powers as prescribed by law.
5. To perform tasks and exercise powers delegated and authorized by superior state agencies.
6. Decentralize and authorize the commune-level People's Committees, other agencies and organizations to perform the tasks and powers of the district-level People's Committees.
Article 29. Duties, powers of the Chairman of the district People's Committee
The Chairman of the district People's Committee is the head of the district People's Committee and has the following duties and powers:
1. To lead and administer the work of the People's Committee and members of the district People's Committee; to lead and direct specialized agencies under the People's Committee of the district;
2. Approving the results of election, relief from duty and removal from office of the President of the People's Committee and the Vice President of the Commune-level People's Committee; mobilize, suspend or dismiss the President of the People's Committee, the Vice President of the People's Committee of the commune; assigning the right to chairperson of the commune-level People's Committee in case the chairperson of the commune-level People's Committee is vacated between two sessions of the commune-level People's Council; appoint, relieve from duty, transfer, dismiss, commend and discipline cadres, civil servants and public employees under their management in accordance with law;
3. To lead and direct the performance of tasks to implement the Constitution, laws and documents of superior state agencies, the People's Council and the People's Committee of the district; ensuring national defense, security and social order and safety; protect properties of agencies and organizations, protect life, freedom, honor, dignity, property, and other lawful rights and interests of citizens; implement measures to manage population in the district;
4. To lead and be responsible for the operation of the state administrative system from the district to the grassroots, ensuring the consistency and smoothness of the administration; direct the administrative reform and the reform of civil service and civil servants in the local state administrative system;
5. Suspend the execution or annul illegal documents of specialized agencies of the district People's Committee and illegal documents of the People's Committee, the President of the commune-level People's Committee. To suspend the execution of illegal documents of the People's Council of the commune, report to the People's Committee of the district to request the People's Council of the district to annul it;
6. Directing the Chairman of the commune-level People's Committee; authorize the Vice President of the People's Committee of the district or the head of a specialized agency of the People's Committee of the district to perform tasks and exercise powers within the competence of the President of the district People's Committee;
7. Manage and organize the effective use of offices, assets, working means and the State budget allocated in the district according to the provisions of law;
8. Organize the inspection, examination, settlement of complaints and denunciations, handling of law violations, reception of citizens according to the provisions of law;
9. Direct the implementation of measures for environmental protection, fire and explosion prevention and fighting; direct and apply measures to deal with unexpected and urgent jobs in the prevention and control of natural disasters, epidemics, security, social order and safety in the district according to the provisions of law;
10. To perform tasks and exercise powers delegated and authorized by superior state agencies.