Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Number: 2964/2022/QD-UBND

            Song Hinh, day 14 October2022




Board Regulations on functions, tasks, powers and structure

Organization of the Department of Culture and Information of Song Hinh district





Pursuant to the Law on organization of local government dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant Pursuant Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Government Organization and the Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22 /November 2019;

Pursuant Pursuant to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents dated June 22, 2015; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents dated June 18, 2020;

Pursuant to Decree No. 34/2016/ND-CP dated May 14, 2016 of the Government detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents; Decree No. 154/2020/ND-CP dated December 31, 2020 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 34/2016/ND-CP dated May 14, 2016 of the Government Regulating spending detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents;

Pursuant to Decree No. 108/2020/ND-CP dated September 14, 2020 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 37/2014/ND-CP dated May 5, 2014 of the Government Regulations Determine the organization of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of districts, towns, provincial cities, and centrally run cities;

Pursuant to Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BVHTTDL dated September 8, 2021 of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Guiding the functions, tasks and powers of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Culture, Sports, Department of Tourism under the Provincial People's Committee; Department of Culture and Information under the District People's Committee;

Pursuant to Circular No. 11/2022/TT-BTTTT dated July 29, 2022 of the Ministry of Information and Communications Guiding the functions, tasks, and powers of the Department of Information and Communications under the Provincial People's Committee, Department of Culture and Information under the District People's Committee;

According to the request of the Head of the Culture and Village Departmentg Song Hinh district news in Report No. 18/TTr-PVHTT day 05 month 10 year 2022;





Article 1. Issued together with this Decision Regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Culture and Information of Song Hinh district< /span>.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect from 22 month 10 2022 and replace Decision No. 1552/QD-UBND, dated 13 month 10 years 2017 of Song Hinh District People's Committee on Regulations on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure function of the District Department of Culture and Information.

Article 3. Chief of Office of the People's Council - District People's Committee, Head of the Culture and Information Department, Head of the District Internal Affairs Department, Head Relevant agencies and Chairman of People's Committees of communes and towns are responsible for implementing this Decision./.



- As dArticle 3;

- Provincial Department of Culture, Sports & Tourism;

- Provincial Department of Information & Communications;

- Standing District Party Committee;

- Standing member of the District People's Council;

Chairman, Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee;

- District agencies, departments, branches and organizations;

- People's Committees of communes and towns;

- Portal district electronic information;

- Save: VT, PVH&TT.








Dinh Ngoc Dan




















Independence - Freedom - Happiness






Functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure

of the Department of Culture and Information of Song Hinh district

(Issued together with Decision No. 2964/2022/QD-UBND dated October 14, 2022

 of Song Hinh District People's Committee)




Chapter I



Article 1. Position and function

1. District Culture and Information Department Song Hinh is a specialized agency under the District People's Committee, with< /span>perform a number of tasks and rights limited according to the authorization of the District People's Committee and according to the provisions of law and press, publishing, printing and distribution, radio, electronic information electronics, basic information, foreign information, postal, telecommunications, information technology, digital transformation in Song Hinh district and advertising,advising and assisting the District People's Committee in performing state management functions on: Culture, family, physical education, sports, tourism function

2. The District Department of Culture and Information has legal status, has its own seal and account; Subject to the direction and management of the organization, job positions, civil servant payroll, civil servant rank structure and work of the District People's Committee, and at the same time subject to the direction, inspection and guidance on professional matters. Professional subjects of the Department of Culture, Sports and TourismDepartment of Information and Communications province.

Article 2Duties and powers

1.Submitted to the District People's Committee, Chairman of the District People's Committee

1.1. Submit to the District People's Committee a draft decision; planning and development plans for culture, family, physical education, sports, tourism, advertising and press; publishing, printing and distribution; broadcasting; electronic information; background information; foreign affairs information; Postal; telecommunication; information technology; digital transformation (referred to as information and communication) medium term and annual; Projects and programs to develop culture, family, physical education, sports, tourism, advertising and information and communication. CPrograms and measures to organize the implementation of state administrative reform tasks in the field of state management assigned .; draft document specifying the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the district's Department of Culture and Information

1.2. Submit to the Chairman of the District People's Committee draft documents in the fields of culture, family, and sports education, sports, tourism, advertising and information, communication under the promulgation authority of the Chairman of the District People's Committee as assigned.

2. Organize the implementation of legal documents, planning and plans after approval; information, propaganda, dissemination, and legal education in fields within the scope of assigned state country management; monitor law enforcement.

3. Field culture, family, fitness, sports, tourism, advertising

3.1. Guide organizations, units and people in the district to implement cultural and artistic movements; exercise and sports movements; build a civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals, and festivals; building the movement "All people unite to build cultural life"; Build and guide the awarding of titles to families, villages, hamlets, cultural streets, cultural units, and communes that meet agricultural cultural standards. new village; urban civilized city; Building and implementing village conventions and conventions; protect and promote the values ​​of historical-cultural relics, scenic spots and intangible cultural heritage; manage, protect, embellish, exploit, properly use and promote the value of tourism resources, tourism environment, tourist areas and tourist attractions in the area district.

3.2. Advise and assist the District People's Committee in state management of festivals, karaoke service business, providing dance hall services and performing arts activities in the district according to the provisions of law.

3.3. Receive and provide written responses to notices of establishment, merger, consolidation, division, separation, dissolution, termination of library operations of commune libraries, libraries of preschool education institutions, general education institutions, vocational education institutions and other educational institutions, private libraries with serving the community based in the area according to the decentralization and authorization of the district People's Committee.

3.4. Guide and inspect the activities of public service units (Centre for Culture, Sports and Communication audio - Transmission district image); grassroots cultural and sports institutions, service establishments in the field of culture and familyfamily, fitness, sports, tourism and advertising, public entertainment spots under the management of the Department of Culture and Information in the locality district .

4. Journalism field; publishing, printing and distribution; broadcasting; electronic information; background information; foreign affairs information; Postal; telecommunication; information technology; digital transformation

4.1. Assist the District People's Committee in appraising, registering, and issuing all types of licenses and certificates in the fields of information and communication according to the provisions of law and according to the assignment and decentralization of the District People's Committee. .

4.2. Assist the District People's Committee in state management of collective economic organizations, private economic organizations, associations and non-governmental organizations operating in the area in the field of information and communications according to the provisions of law. the law.

4.3. Assist the District People's Committee in organizing the work of protecting network information safety and security in postal, telecommunications, information technology, Internet, and radio activities.

4.4. Help the District People's Committee build and organize and manage the basic information system; commune-level radio and district radio-television systems; Organize information provision and manage basic information content in the district.

4.5. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies, units and People's Committees of communes and towns to monitor and organize the implementation of programs and projects on digital transformation, information technology application, communication Electronic translation in state agencies, businesses and people, developing electronic government, digital government, digital economy, digital society in the district according to the assignment of the District People's Committee and Chairman District People's Committee.

4.6. Organize foreign information activities in the district according to the guidance of the Department of Information and Communications.

4.7. Organize the management, inspection and guidance of communes and towns to manage postal service points, telecommunications and Internet service points, public electronic game service points, and public video game service points. photocopying in the district according to the provisions of law.

5. Assist the District People's Committee in state management of collective and private economic organizations; Guide and inspect the activities of associations and non-governmental organizations operating in the district in the fields of culture, family, physical education, sports, tourism according to the provisions of law. news, communication information advertising and,

6. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to inspect compliance with legal regulations in the fields of culture, family, physical education, sports, and tourism,in the district; resolve the complaint report; Prevent and combat corruption and waste according to the provisions of law and assignments of the District People's Committee. information and communication advertising and

7. Professional guidance in the fields of culture, family, fitness, sports, tourism, advertising and< information and communication field for professional positions under the People's Committee of communes and towns.

8. Organize the application of scientific and technological advances; Build an information and storage system to serve state management and professional expertise of the district's Department of Culture and Information.

9Carry out information, statistics, and periodic and extraordinary reports on the situation of cultural, family, physical education, sports, and tourism activities, advertising;about information and communication according to regulations of the District People's Committee, ofDepartment of Culture, Sports and Tourism province a> Provincial Information and Communications.Department of and

10. Manage organizational structure, job positions, civil servant payroll, civil servant rank structure, implement salary regimes, policies, remuneration, rewards, discipline, training and fostering professional expertise for civil servants under the scope of management according to the provisions of law and assignments of the District People's Committee.

11Financial management and responsibility; Assets are assigned according to the provisions of law and assignments of the District People's Committee.

12. Perform other tasks assigned by the District People's Committee, Chairman of the District People's Committee and according to the provisions of law.

Chapter II


          Article 3. Organizational structure and staffing

          1. The Department of Culture and Information of Song Hinh district has a Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department and civil servants to perform professional work.

          1.1. The Head of the District Culture and Information Department is responsible before the District People's Committee, the Chairman of the District People's Committee and before the law for performing assigned functions, tasks and powers.

          1.2. The Deputy Head of the District Culture and Information Department is the person who assists the Head of the Department and is responsible before the Head of the Department and before the law for the tasks assigned by the Head of the Department.

          1.3. The appointment, transfer, rotation, reward, discipline, dismissal, resignation, retirement and implementation of other regimes and policies with the Head and Deputy Head of the District Culture and Information Department are decided by the Department of Culture and Information. The Chairman of the District People's Committee decides and according to the provisions of law.

          2. The work arrangement for professional civil servants of the District Department of Culture and Information is based on the job position, standards, and ensures the quality and capacity requirements of civil servants.

Article 4. Staffing

          The civil servant payroll of the District Culture and Information Department is decided by the Chairman of the District People's Committee among the total civil servant payroll of the district assigned annually by the Provincial People's Committee on the basis of the job position project and the basis civil servant rank structure has been approved by competent authorities.

Chapter III


          Article 5. Responsibility for implementation

          1. Based on the assigned payroll, the Head of the District Culture and Information Department is responsible for arranging civil servants in accordance with job positions, rank structure, and title standards according to regulations.

          2. During the implementation of this Regulation, if there is any content that needs to be amended or supplemented with functions, powers and organizational structure, the District Culture and Information Department shall coordinate with the District Department of Home Affairs to propose and submit it to the District People's Committee. consider, decide./.